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June 2013 LBHD Newsletter

Jun 01, 2013

June 2013 Newsletter Article

Relationships with DAD in Human Design!

Now that it’s Father’s Day, let’s take a look at some additional energy centers. Last month, for Mother’s Day, we looked at the Will Center, Emotional Solar Plexus, the “G” Center, and the Spleen Center. This month, we’ll look at the Head, the Ajna, the Throat and the Root Centers. Of course, each parent will have all the centers in their charts – whether the Centers are open or defined. But we’ll focus on some of the attributes usually given to fathers or the male figures in our lives. As you read these traits associated with each Center, think for a bit about how your father was or how you perceived him to be. Was he very sure of everything he said? Was he an inspiring figure, especially when you were just a little person? How did you respond to his voice? Was his voice deep and reassuring, or loud and boisterous? Did you feel pressured just being around him, even if everyone was in a good mood? All of these behaviors can be explained with Human Design.

And as a reminder from last month, we are in a force field of energy – whether it’s love or some other feeling – whenever we’re with someone else. Very simply, what happens is that OUR open energy centers FEEL the other person’s defined energy centers, take that energy in and amplify it, and vice versa: their open centers take in our defined centers and amplify them. When you are taking in their energy and amplifying it, especially the emotions of the Solar Plexus, for example, it can feel like YOU’RE having those feelings or emotions. But you’re not really. You’re just amplifying the emotions. The same thing happens with each of the other centers. So let’s look at a few examples of the various energies that we may find in our fathers.

The Head Center: Was your father one who could inspire you and your siblings to do homework even when you didn’t feel like it? Did he inspire you with his words or actions? Did he have an inspiring view of the world? If any of those are true for you, then most likely your father had a defined Head Center, which is only about 30 percent of the population. The defined Head Center is inspiring just to be around, even if they have nothing to say. The defined Head literally inspires us to think, to question, to doubt and seek clarification. They can change the tone or subject of conversation just by entering the room. And sometimes, others can read their minds or pick up on what they’re thinking about.

The Ajna Center: Did your father know all the facts and figures for any possible subject? Was he great at board games, crossword puzzles and any type of trivia? Was he always certain of his “facts” even if they were actually wrong? That’s the way someone with a defined Ajna operates. They can be very certain, and even a little rigid sometimes – can we say stubborn? – with their point of view. That doesn’t make them any less lovable, just a little unwilling to change their point of view. And you can imagine how two defined Ajna’s might just disagree on little and big things sometimes. In Human Design, we like to say that there’s more than one way to fill a dishwasher!

The Throat Center: The Throat Center comes in a few different varieties – we all have a voice, right? But how it gets expressed can be very different! Was your father the loud, boisterous type – great at a party, and you knew when he arrived home each night? Or was he more reserved, quiet but could make himself heard when necessary? Or was he quiet as a mouse, and didn’t say much unless you asked him a question? The last version is most likely the Open Throat person, while the first two have a defined Throat. It’s kind of complex, as it is the way we communicate and make things happen. But only about 40 percent of all people can even be HEARD when they open their mouths to speak. Those would be all the Manifestors and Manifesting Generators. If your father was one of those two types, then you probably heard him quite easily. If not, HE probably wondered why you didn’t listen. He didn’t realize that you literally couldn’t hear a request or command that he made many times, especially if you weren’t looking at him. Weird, right? But true.

The Root Center: Finally, the defined Root Center is a tricky one. If your father is defined and you are open in the Root Center, his mere presence will always feel like pressure to you. Pressure to finish your chores, go do your homework, get better grades, and the list goes on! But in Human Design, we say, “It’s not PERSONAL, it’s just ENERGY!” And so it is with the Root Center. If you’ll just remember that you always have a choice as to how you react to the pressure that you’re feeling, then you can make a choice that makes sense for you, and helps to relieve the pressure that you’re feeling.

Of course, any design can be a wonderful father – and they do come in all shapes and sizes – on the Human Design chart, that is! As always, living out YOUR Human Design strategy and Authority will lead you on the path to fulfilling your life’s purpose and finding your passion in life. It will also help you to understand ALL the people around you in a more compassionate way, which parents always appreciate!